Cosmetic Dentistry: Veneers, Whitening & Bonding at Dental Associates of Grand Junction

Cosmetic Dentistry: Veneers, Whitening & Bonding at Dental Associates of Grand Junction


Veneers are a dental procedure in which a covering is placed over the outside (visible area) of the tooth. Veneers are usually only done to the part of the teeth that are visible when talking or smiling. The procedure can be direct or indirect.

The direct technique usually involves placing composite resin on the outside of the tooth using bonding. This method is usually referred to as bonding.

The indirect technique usually involves two appointments because the veneers will be fabricated at a dental laboratory. At the first appointment the teeth are prepared, impressions taken, and the teeth are given a temporary covering. In two to three weeks the veneers are back from the laboratory, the temporaries are removed and the veneers are bonded to the teeth. The laboratory fabricated veneers are usually made using porcelain or pressed ceramic, and are very esthetic.

The advantage of veneers versus crowns is that much less tooth material is removed, and the procedure is generally less uncomfortable. Veneers are recommended for teeth that have large fillings or little tooth structure.



Tooth colored fillings are made of a composite resin and bonded to the tooth creating strength.You have many choices when it comes to restoring damaged or decayed teeth, even down to the type of dental filling material to use. You may choose to have white "tooth-colored" fillings (composite or porcelain) restorations.

Furthermore, many people decide to replace their older silver amalgam fillings with newer white "tooth-colored" composite fillings. There are a number of pros and cons associated with both composite and amalgam fillings.

Teeth Whitening

Many people live their daily lives covering up their smile and teeth due to embarrassment from tooth discoloration. If you're one of these people, we can help.

With take-home whitening trays you can improve the quality of your smile anytime, anywhere. These safe, durable trays are molded from your teeth to ensure maximum comfort. Simply wear these trays a few hours each day, and progressively your teeth with brighten. Once your teeth are your desired level of color, just wear your trays every now and then to maintain your healthy new smile.