Grand Junction Dental Implants

Grand Junction Dental Implants

We recommend dental implants as an effective way to restore lost teeth. Dental Implants provide a durable, permanent option for oral reconstruction. An implant is surgically attached to your mouth using a titanium screw. They are usually slightly more expensive, but they boast several benefits. Implants are definitely a more permanent solution to other alternatives like dentures. They are actually stronger than your natural teeth, and they are made to last a lifetime. They are also more favorable than bridgework because they do not require neighboring teeth for support.

Dental Implants offer a wide range of benefits

  • Your teeth will look and feel natural, providing a confident smile
  • Elimination of discomfort or soreness some experience with ordinary dentures or bridges
  • No slipping, allowing you to speak and eat normally

Letting lost teeth go untreated can cause a number of problems

  • Missing teeth can affect what foods or drinks you can consume, which can lead to poor nutrition and overall health
  • Your bite can also be affected, causing your teeth to line up improperly which can lead to possible jaw joint or other bite problems
  • Your self-esteem can be reduced as well, if you feel self-conscious and worry about people noticing missing teeth